Our Commitment to Improvement and Excellence
The Trust makes a commitment to:
- High expectations.
- A strong, knowledge-based curriculum across all key stages.
- Carefully focused teaching, rigorous tracking, and personalised intervention.
- Qualified staff that are motivated, well-trained, and using cutting-edge research.
- A strong, wider curriculum offer across all academies / schools.
The Trust academies/schools commits to their local community:
- Schools of premier standard, capable of meeting pupil aspirations.
- Sponsored schools to make rapid improvements.
- Pupils recruited from local neighbourhoods to make social mobility a reality and not an aspiration.
- School buildings and facilities at the centre of local neighbourhoods where they can help create community and social cohesion.
- Empowerment of every one of the local communities our schools serve.
The Trust makes a commitment to every academy/school that chooses to become a VALT academy:
- A strong and vibrant VALT community.
- A vision and commitment for excellence to enable all children to achieve their very best.
- A skilled Central Team that works alongside schools to deliver educational excellence, operational excellent and a strong VALT community.
- High quality school improvement support.
- A collaborative approach to policy and systems development.
- An investment in staff wellbeing and continuous development.