At Chandlers Ridge we provide a welcoming, happy environment where we can all feel safe and valued.
We have high expectations for all our children in their learning and social development. Furthermore, our team of dedicated staff provide an exciting and broad curriculum which takes account of the needs of all our children. We want our pupils’ time at Chandlers Ridge to be memorable, build upon what they know and can do and help them become lifelong learners.
We value our strong relationship with parents and we continually welcome and encourage parents to participate fully in the life of our school. In partnership with parents, Governors and the wider community we aim to work together to ensure everyone achieves their very best. We are proud of the achievements of all of our children.
We hope that our website will provide a useful resource, strengthening home-school links and enabling you to share and celebrate the successes of our children.
Headteacher: Mrs Louise Lidgard