Inspiring excellence - in learning and life

The Governance

The Governance

Chief Executive Officer

Louise Spellman (CEO)

Chief Financial Officer

Katy Riley

Board of Trustees

Charlotte Irving (Chair)

Alan Ankers

Jill McGuire

Sara Marshall

Gary Briston

Paula Hegarty

Sharon Reed

Chris Beaumont

Fran Johnson

Chris Linton

Eileen Martin

Members of the trust

Kevin Hall

John Waugh

Richard Long

Wendy McConnell

Martin Maggiore

Resigned Trustees:

Erika Marshall(resigned July 2024)

Jonny Coates (resigned November 2023)

Matthew Ord (resigned August 2024)

Hugh Hegarty (resigned August 2024)

Resigned Members:

Mr Andy McDowall

Mrs Susan Dodds

Resigned CEO:

Mr Simon White (August 2024)


Trustees related documents (2024-25)